martedì 31 luglio 2012

Convenzione dei Diritti delle Persone con Disabilità: ROMPERE IL SILENZIO ROMPERTE

Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Breaking the Silence

Posted on  by  RSS

It’s time to speak about what is happening with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the United States.
I have been a supporter of ratification by my own country since the treaty was adopted in the United Nations. My interest has always been to use the treaty to secure and fulfill the human rights of people labeled with psychiatric disabilities: especially to stop the legalized forced psychiatric interventions that keep us oppressed, silenced and traumatized.
Even in the process of seeking ratification, this discrimination and debilitating human sacrifice has played itself out. Disability lobbyists inside the Beltway feared from the beginning that, by speaking openly about these issues that were so “scary” we would derail their efforts at ratification. Come again? Why do we want ratification unless it’s to deal with issues where U.S. laws and practices need to be improved? Well, a lot of folks care about their international projects in other countries… wanting to bring other countries up to American standards so that people with disabilities can travel and work there… and to open up more U.S. international aid for disability-related projects.
Even our disability community allies in other countries commonly buy into U.S. exceptionalism, wanting us to ratify the CRPD so that America will give more money for their projects, even if it comes at the expense of human rights at home.
There is a subtle discrimination here in the silent assumption that “people with disabilities” traveling to other countries aren’t worrying about being locked up in psychiatry there… which has happened to some of my friends. Or that international aid provided by the U.S. has nothing to do with the parts of the CRPD that require abolition of forced psychiatry and the development of support measures that respect the person’s autonomy, will and preferences.
When the package of RUDs proposed by the administration came out, along with a memorandum explaining how they understood U.S. law in light of the CRPD, I wasn’t happy with it but it was workable. There was a federalism reservation designed to carve out issues governed by state law (which of course includes civil commitment, free and informed consent in health care, and legal capacity). But all it said was that the federal government doesn’t take direct responsibility for violations of the treaty’s standards by the states. But it still committed the U.S. government to taking measures appropriate to the federal system such as enforcement of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), with the objective of full implementation. Given the many ways that human rights violations contained in state laws and practices can be addressed by our federal government (including Title II of the ADA itself), this limitation was not an obstacle to my support for ratification.
Now, the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations has finally sent the treaty to a vote on the Senate floor, where it will need 2/3 of the senators (67) to pass. But it has been seriously if not mortally wounded.
Apparently everything else has been sacrificed in the attempt to appease the right wing and prevent the treaty from being derailed over abortion. Abortion is not mentioned in the treaty, but the right wing wants to use this treaty to limit women’s reproductive freedom. For now, reproductive freedom within a narrow margin is still the law of the land, and women’s human rights groups have at least some champions in the Senate. Unfortunately, people with disabilities in the United States do not have such great champions for our rights even though this is “our” treaty.
Most sweeping is a declaration that says,
“The Senate declares that, in view of the reservations to be included in the instrument of ratification, current United States law fulfills or exceeds the obligations of the Convention for the United States.”
Combined with the federalism reservation and other RUDs, this declaration claims that the U.S. is exempt from the core obligation of the treaty to subject itself to the standards the treaty proclaims. Such a declaration is a disguised reservation and is incompatible with the object and purpose of the treaty. Other States Parties to the CRPD should object to this declaration and to the package as a whole, as they have objected to similar RUDs by El Salvador and the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Another new RUD says that Article 7 governing the rights of children with disabilities requires no change to existing U.S. law. Despite this understanding, groups that oppose children’s rights on the ground that this diminishes the rights of parents continue to call for the treaty to be defeated in the Senate vote.
Yet another RUD understands the terms “disability,” “persons with disabilities,” “undue burden,” “discrimination based on disability” and “reasonable accommodation” to be defined according to U.S. law. Discrimination and reasonable accommodation are defined in the CRPD with reference to enjoyment of human rights, so that this limitation on a transversal concept of the treaty also amounts to a reservation incompatible with its object and purpose.
The last of the new RUDs says that the U.S. does not consider the conclusions, recommendations or general comments issued by the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (the international expert committee selected by States Parties that monitors implementation of the treaty) to be legally binding or to constitute customary international law. This is both disrespectful of the treaty’s authority to interpret the treaty and unnecessarily limiting to the process of development of customary international law.
The RUDs proposed originally by the administration are, in addition to the federalism reservation:
- a reservation against taking measures to regulate private conduct beyond what is required by U.S. law
- a reservation on the obligations related to torture and ill treatment, incorporating RUDs made to the Convention Against Torture and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
- an understanding that the CRPD does not require any limitation of speech, expression or association protected by U.S. constitution and laws
- an understanding that people with disabilities are protected from discrimination with respect to economic, social and cultural rights, insofar as these rights are recognized or implemented under U.S. law
- an understanding that CRPD does not require a comparable worth framework for persons with disabilities (in employment)
- an understanding that CRPD does not exceed rights available under federal law in relation to hiring and employment of uniformed military personnel
- an understanding that “disability” and “persons with disabilities” are defined as in U.S. law [this understanding is now expanded to include additional terms, as described above]
- a declaration that the treaty is non-self-executing, cannot be enforced by the courts or give rise to individual rights
Many of these RUDs (versions of the federalism reservation, the reservation on torture, the understanding on first amendment freedoms, and the non-self-executing declaration in particular) are standard and have been attached to other treaties in the past. All of them are aimed at limiting the potential for human rights treaties to be used productively to improve the lives of people in this country. (Even the understanding on freedom of speech and association represents a tradeoff between those freedoms and the right of oppressed people to be free from hate speech and from organized hate groups.)
It’s time to educate ourselves and our communities about human rights. “Know them. Demand them. Defend them.” People with disabilities and human rights defenders everywhere need to hold the United States to the same human rights standards as other countries and not pretend that this country is above the law.
The struggle for human rights is not over until we win. CRPD ratification with or without RUDs is a tool, no more than that. Once we have woken up to our human rights we can’t go back to sleep and we can’t be satisfied until the changes are made to abolish oppressive laws and practices. We will use all the tools we have under international and domestic law to fulfill our human rights, including the standards of the CRPD, and including the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities if it becomes available to us. This is not a moment of defeat, it is a moment for people with disabilities to stay strong, proud, fierce and independent.

lunedì 30 luglio 2012

Francia - Trattamento sanitario Obbligatorio a militante ecologista pacifista


communique hospitalisation d’office
Lundi 26 mars 2012, un militant défenseur de l’environnement s’est rendu à la mairie de son village vers 18 h, ayant appris que le maire de la commune avait demandé le déclassement de l’unique zone terrestre Natura 2000 du village. Il a alors entamé une
action non violente dans les locaux de l’hôtel de ville en s’enchaînant à un puits.
Elus, gendarmes et pompiers se rendent sur place et décident, bien que l’action se déroule dans le calme, de l’hospitalisation d’office du militant par arrêté municipal ! 60 heures plus tard, personne n’a pu communiquer avec ce militant.
La municipalité refuse de donner toute information. La gendarmerie indique que l’action troublait l’ordre public et que
le militant présentait un danger… pour lui-même.
Depuis la promulgation de la nouvelle loi du 5 juillet 2011, sur les hospitalisations psychiatrique sans consentement, des situations analogues sont malheureusement de plus en plus fréquentes envers les militants ou les syndicalistes. En effet, tous les
« troubles à l’ordre public » peuvent être dorénavant psychiatrisés, solution de facilité qui entraîne une privation de liberté pendant au moins 48h.
A l’heure actuelle, il n’est pas possible d’accéder au dossier de cette personne, seule autorisée à accéder aux pièces et de fait dans l’impossibilité de communiquer.
C’est une atteinte considérable portée aux libertés et aux droits sociaux. De nombreuses organisations signataires de l’appel commun contre les soins sécuritaires dénoncent avec force cette loi liberticide, entre autres : la Ligue des Droits de l’Homme,
l’Union Syndicale de la Psychiatrie, SUD santé sociaux, le Parti de Gauche ou le Parti Communiste.
La section de la Ligue des Droits de l’Homme « Loupian et les communes du Nord du bassin de Thau » et la LDH Languedoc Roussillon condamnent cet internement.
De telles pratiques s’inscrivent dans les dérives autoritaires actuelles et ne sont pas
compatibles avec un Etat de Droit.
Nous exigeons que cette privation de liberté cesse le plus tôt possible.
Benjamin Deceuninck,, mail :
Yvan Gazagnes 04 67 78 48 40, mail : ldh-nordbassindethau@ldh-france.or

giovedì 19 luglio 2012

Mad Pride Milano 2011 Quarta e ultima parte

Mad Pride MILANO 2011

Mad Pride Milano 2011 Terza parte

Mad Pride Milano 2011 Seconda parte

Mad Pride Milano 2011 Prima parte

...ed ecco come ci vedono gli altri, diversi (!?) da noi... Pride, il coraggio di urlare al mondo: Non siamo matti!

Cercasi MadPridisti per il 2012 - per

MadPride e Il canto delle sirene

Ritratto di giovane eccentrica

MadPride Bruxelles 2011

MadPride Bruxelles 8 ottobre 2011

martedì 17 luglio 2012

ECT Room 3105 - ROH - the shock factory

Esperienza diretta sull'elettroshock

Dear Prime Time, Further to my phone conversations with Edel and Isobel on your proposed programme on electroshock, I would like to put forward my credentials as to why I should be a contributor to the said programme.

1. I have been a recipient of electroshock on many occasions. Yes, it was in 1976 and 1982 but despite protestations by today's psychiatrists, the electroshock I received and more importantly their very dominant medical model philosophy, still pertains today more so than ever, even though it is not scientifically valid.

2. I am a founder member of MindFreedom Ireland and a board member of MindFreedom International which has a long standing record of opposition to the procedure. 3. I have been instrumental in organizing five public protests againstelectroshock, the first such public events in Ireland. 4. I have been featured in many articles in the national press and on radio speaking on the topic. 5. I have been part of the campaign in the Seanad to have forced electroshock banned. 6. Finally, given that the majority of the recipients are mothers and grandmothers, I, being both, should have my voice heard. Yours sincerely. Mary Maddock
Visualizza traduzione

Mary Maddock contro l'elettroshock che causa danni cerebrali permanenti

Letter to RTE Prime Time from Mary Maddock

  1. 07.06.12

    Update #1

More Actions from Stop the forceful use of Electro Convulsive 'Therapy'

Mindfreedom Ireland - Manifestazione contro l'elettroshock in Irlanda 7 luglio 2012

I had a chat with Edel from RTE Prime Time this morning. They are doing a programme on electroshock with a psychiatrist and a person who experience electroshock from both sides. Pat Bracken and myself have been chosen to represent our side!!

Abolire l'elettroshock per non danneggiare il cervello BRAIN-DAMAGING ELECTROSHOCK ON KIDS | Opal Project Media opalprojectmedia.blip.tvChildren, youth and adults hold a demonstration to demand that the New York State Office of Mental Health (OMH) ban the use of electroshock on children under 16 ...

All'inferno coi loro profitti - Basta con i trattamenti psichiatrici obbligatori

domenica 8 luglio 2012

Mind Control Victims Win Court Case

Mind Control Victims Win Court Case

Progetto di legge Ciccioli - Controriforma della assistenza psichiatrica

pubblicata da Eulalia Torricelli il giorno mercoledì 27 giugno 2012 alle ore 23.45 ·
A grandi linee, il mio intevento al Forum di Ciccioli di oggi. 

Mi chiamo Eulalia Torricelli. 

Parlo in qualità di paziente non invitata, se non in extremis dall'Onorevole Ciccioli, che ringrazio. 

Se volete potete farmi delle domande, io ho una voce (nota a parte: sono intervenuta quasi per ultima, e molti prima di me avevano detto che questa riforma era per dare voce ai pazienti, che non ne hanno)

Mi sono laureata in Economia e Commercio nel 1992. Nel 1999 lavoravo al Senato, e sono andata fuori di testa per la prima volta - forse qualcuno qui mi può capire, è stata un'esperienza traumatica. 

Parlo a titolo personale - come persona che soffre di un cosiddetto disturbo psichiatrico.
So che a questo incontro coloro che sono contrari a questo progetto di legge non hanno partecipato per protesta. 
Io partecipo perché sono anarchica e quindi considero la gestione della cosa pubblica un diritto e un dovere. 
Non credo che a nessuno interessi la mia storia ma una spiegazione del perché sono qui la devo pur dare. 

Io ho letto il progetto di legge, non mi occupo di leggi da anni ma questo l'ho letto (nota: in molti hanno accusati gli oppositori di non averlo neanche letto e di osteggiare questa riforma solo per partito preso e perché accecati da varie ideologie)

Interrotta da una signora un po' âgé e molto benvestita che mi chiedeva di alzare la voce, ho replicato che la voce all'occorrenza la so alzare e anche molto, come qui molti possono immaginare (qualcuno ha detto "brava", e l'On. Ciccioli ha detto che oltre alla voce ci vuole anche un po' di orecchio)

Non voglio occuparmi di dietrologia politica, ma da quel poco che ho capito leggendo questo progetto di legge posso qui dare la mia opinione (e mi sono rivolta verso l'On. Ciccioli, con aria di scusa, al che lui ha replicato con un gesto che voleva dire, siamo qui per questo)

Questa riforma può essere di conforto per alcuni familiari, che di sicuro ne hanno un gran bisogno. Ma l'unica altra utilità che vedo in questo progetto di legge è il rendiconto personale dell'Onorevole Ciccioli, che potrà così esibire al suo elettorato retrogrado lo scalpo del malato mentale, il matto, di nuovo rinchiuso nei manicomi. 
Per solleticare i bassi istinti di quel ventre molle di questo paese che vorrebbe ancora vedere i pazzi rinchiusi nei manicomi, i drogati in carcere, gli immigrati a casa loro e i poveri... che muoiano pure di fame, perché se sono poveri, in fondo, è colpa loro. 

(mentre andavo via, un signore mi ha salutato a pugno chiuso, non so se per prendermi in giro o per riconoscenza; l'Onorevole Ciiccioli ha detto che apprezzava l'onestà e i pareri contrari, e a quel punto c'è stato anche un applauso)



Ciccioli convoca un “Forum” e permette gli interventi di tutti, meno che degli utenti.

CAMERA DEI DEPUTATI Nuova Aula dei Gruppi Parlamentari Via Campo Marzio, 78
Forum sulla Legge di riforma dell’assistenza psichiatrica

Il progetto di legge di controriforma della salute mentale ci porta indietro di 35 anni. 

Il perno di questa controriforma è la mancanza di consenso ai trattamenti. Il ricovero fino a un anno può essere deciso da un qualsiasi medico, d’accordo con un familiare, senza nessuna possibilità di opposizione da parte del paziente. 

Le persone seguite dai servizi, lo dovranno essere a vita a prescindere dalla loro volontà e dal livello di gravità del loro problema (vedi articolo 1, secondo comma del progetto di legge). 

Si ricreano di fatto i manicomi a favore delle strutture private, si degrada tutto il sistema della salute mentale a un circuito di coercizioni ai trattamenti (leggi: assunzione di psicofarmaci), senza prospettare una possibilità di guarigione. 

Teniamo conto dei 3 FATTI seguenti: 

1) la psichiatria si basa su diagnosi arbitrarie: quando una causa biologica è rilevabile, il paziente viene affidato alla neurologia (un qualsiasi psichiatra e neurologo lo possono confermare)

2) gli psicofarmaci danneggiano il cervello (e non solo), non lo "curano"Vedi: Breggin, P.R. and Cohen, D. (2007) “Your Drug May Be Your Problem: How and Why to Stop Taking Psychiatric Medications”, Second Edition. 

3) efficaci alternative alla psichiatria, non coercitive, esistono e aiutano realmente il pazienteVedi: Peter Lehmann, (1998) “Prospettive per gli (Ex-)Utenti e Sopravvissuti ai Servizi Psichiatrici”


Che questo obbrobrio giuridico sia dimenticato nel più breve tempo possibile, insieme a chi l’ha promosso. 

Gruppo non psichiatrico utenti ex-utenti dei servizi di salute mentaleC/o Libreria Anomalia, via dei Campani 71, Roma