mercoledì 15 giugno 2011

Ricercatore italiano cerca casi di sindrome da astinenza da antidepressivi

Posted 10 June 2011 - 12:26 PM

An Italian researcher is collecting anecdotal case reports of prolonged antidepressant withdrawal syndrome for important research papers now in progress.

Please send your case report immediately -- instructions and an e-mail address are given below. Reports may be in English, French, Spanish, or Italian.

The research effort is led by Dr. Carlotta Belaise, a colleague of Dr. Giovanni A. Fava and frequent co-author with him of scientific papers challenging the long-term use of antidepressants.

Dr. Belaise is a research fellow in the Affective Disorders Program of the department of psychology at the University of Bologna in Italy. Her research team is collecting data on antidepressant withdrawal syndrome, "which we strongly believe is a very important, common and delicate clinical problem."

"A couple of manuscripts on this important issue are in progress."

They also have been gathering anecdotal reports from Web sites such as this one.

Please send your case report immediately in an e-mail (no attachments, please), in this format:

Your pseudonym (to use if your report is published)

The date of this report

Your current age

Gender (if female, menopausal?)

Psychiatric drug history

What dates and how did you taper off each medication?

Your symptoms in the earlier phase of withdrawal

Your current symptoms

Which symptoms have gotten better? Which have gotten worse? What treatments have been helpful?

Is there anything else you would like to say about withdrawal and withdrawal syndrome?

Your identity will remain confidential. Researchers may contact you through your e-mail address for clarification, if necessary, and possibly for longitudinal follow-up periodically to track your recovery. Your e-mail address will not be used for any other purpose. Your e-mail indicates your consent to be included pseudonymously in these papers.

Send your e-mail to this address:

For some background information, see If you have questions, send them to me or post them below in this topic.

Former screen name was Surviving -- that's why people were calling me Sur. You can call me Alto now.

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